Monthly Parent Activities

4K Parent Outreach 

Waterford Graded Schools

     The Waterford Graded Schools believes parent engagement is an ongoing process and that it should increase active participation, communication and collaboration between parents and schools. It believes that parents, schools, families and communities working together will create meaningful partnerships that lead to gains in student achievement. Our 4K program offers the following opportunities for parent engagement. Monthly reading logs, activity checklists, video learning series, PTO event opportunities, and special 4K virtual events and programs that will be offered each year creating a tapestry of engagement between school and family.  Each month we encourage families to complete the parent involvement portions of our program to help build that bridge between school and home.

1. Monthly Reading Calendars - Please read each night with/to your child.  Building that love of good literature and informational text is so important.  When you read, please fill in the log and send it back to school at the end of each month.  This way, we can complete the record keeping for the parent engagement portion of the program.  

2. Monthly Activity Checklists - Each month, you will receive a calendar or checklist of activities to do.  You do not need to do them all.  These are just ideas to get you started.  As you do these activities with your child, provide us with feedback. Fill in the face on the sheet about how it felt completing the activity and then you can also add questions or comments. Please return the checklist at the end of the month for our record keeping.  

3. Video Learning Series - Each week, your 4K teacher will send home a Video Learning page that contains a link to a short video on a topic related to preschoolers with tips and crafts and other good ideas for parents and teachers. Please find some time to watch the video and then fill in the response page and send it back to school with comments and/or feedback, and we can learn together.

4. Virtual Field Trips - Each month, there will be two virtual field trips for you to explore with your child. Please fill in the feedback form on the bottom of the sheet so we can see what you learned/liked about the trip.

5. Each month, there will be one recipe to do at home with your child. We ask that after you complete the recipe, you send back a communication about how it went and what you may have learned about your child while you were working together.

We will have a great year working together to make 4K the best it can be!

Thank you for all you do for your children,

The 4K Teachers

© Heather Gilding 2023-2024